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What are my options for temp guardrails along the top of a rockery retaining wall? Subs will be excavating and placing concrete in the cleared strip. Is pinning a site-built 2x4 guardrail into the rocks the best choice? Looks too uneven for cattleguards.

What are my options for temp guardrails along the top of a rockery retaining wall? Subs will be excavating and placing concrete in the cleared strip. Is pinning a site-built 2x4 guardrail into the rocks the best choice? Looks too uneven for cattleguards.

What are my options for temp guardrails along the top of a rockery retaining wall? Subs will be excavating and placing concrete in the cleared strip. Is pinning a site-built 2x4 guardrail into the rocks the best choice? Looks too uneven for cattleguards.